Notes by Southwest: Notes from 3/11/08
Notes from sessions attended on 3/11/08 at South by Southwest.
“Content Management System Roundup”
George DeMet,
Jeff Eaton,
Tiffany Farriss,
Mike Essl,
Matthew McDermott,
Principal Consultant,
Catapult Systems
- Sharepoint (George DeMet - MS Sharepoint MVP)
- Full office suite allows for intranet and internet connection
- “Master page” + “Page layouts”
- Sharepoint designer
- Authoring view - DHMTL menus with options (when viewing pages)
- Workflow process and approvals built into system
- Branching built in for design variations and future changes (also versioning)
- Searching is included into the system
- Thesaurus and relevance ranking
- XSL + XML compliant
- “variations” - usually for multilingual sites
- “My Site” for intranet users
- Nav + breadcrumb
- Drupal - Jeff Eaton
- Built by the people who use it
- Hobbyists, businesses, volunteers, Belgians
- Fast Company, many other major companies
- Blogs, magazine sites, Terminus 1525 (artists community),
- LifeTime TV
- Pete Droge - all Flash content,, The Onion
- End Poverty, Inc. Magazine, U.S. Magazine, DC Comics “Zuda”, Pop Sugar, Interfacultair, Sony Music Box
- Around 3,000 plugins
- Theme > Views of Content > Content > Users > Modules and Drupal Core
- Users all have roles - designed to accommodate a large number of users
- Blog post - can filter by user
- Theme layer - generates all xml, html, mobile
- Can have all mobile pages
- Default Drupal site is very basic, functionality is added on via customization and plugin installation
- Great at:
- user-generated content
- Many kinds of content
- Communication
- Versioned content
- Other sites:
- Daughtry (Sony BMG)
- Artist interaction with community
- Multiple sites can be run from the same core
- Sony contributing back to project
- Expression Engine - Mike Essl
- “Me and Mr. T” - no custom PHP
- Archive, error, xhtml, css-compliant
- All fields on site
- Invisible NYC
- Material research - site coded in one day
- Evolution of CMS choices - Art Institute, Chicago
- Museum side and school side (2 sides to site)
- Round 1 (Custom PHP)
- Dreamweaver + CMS
- Good: quickly created and running, discrete scope, targeted, simple
- Bad: Navigation, difficult to extend, support (interim solution - rarely interim)
- Round 2 (Serena Collage)
- Nice master page structure
- Breadcrumbs
- “Contribution layouts”
- Good: Master pages, workflow, version control, training contributors, breadcrumbs, links as assets, deployment
- Bad: Expensive, slow performance, not mac friendly, navigation, training devs, interdepartmental, no support - dynamic, end-of-life product
- Rounds 3 (Drupal)
- Indianapolis Museum of Art
- Drupal - JQuery integration
- Can customize skin through interface
- Powerful templating
- Remote data
- User management
- JQuery integration
- Q+A
- Drupal - created an install profile to make new installs easier
- Actions and workflow - control access and approval (built into Sharepoint)
“Creative Collaboration: Building Web Apps Together”
Just the Gist
- Make sure that developers and designers are talking early in the process
- It helps for the designer to sit in the same area as the developers
- Team members need to be multi-talented in today’s environment
Paul Hammond,
George Oates,
Lead Designer,
Matt Biddulph,
Dave Shea,
- Dopplr
- About 1 year old, 4 people
- Ships several times per day
- Very collaborative
- “Technical wife and design husband”
- All active features can be switched on and off in dashboard
- Live testing = sculpting, not painting
- Simon Willison
- Used to work at Lawrence Journal-World
- Local paper in small town in Kansas
- 2 devs, 1 designer (css + html engineer), bunch of editorial staff
- The work at Lawrence Journal-World grew into the Django framework
- Parallel Workflow
- Devs design the underlying data model
- Automated admin interface allows content producers to start entering data
- Devs building the logic for the customer-facing pages
- Today...
- With apps, underlying data is not as consistent
- Continuing collaboration with a designer is essential right from the start
- Dave Shea - Mezzoblue
- Client design work, designer who codes
- Independent
- George Oates
-, over 2.3 million photos
- Paper and whiteboard
- Over 20 million photos
- Core dev team grown from 3 (5) to 16 (40)
- Supporting cast of over 100 people
- Still try to release early/often, but is difficult with more people and a larger organization
- Everyone responds well to seeing a design mockup
- Collaboration between the roles - don’t leave out
- Flipside, “skin this”
- Make sure both are involved early
- Sit in the same room
- The top-down stuff can cause a top-down breakdown
- Prototyping very useful, especially with live data
- When you build prototypes (in company)
- Depends on skill-set of team
Job Roles
- Need to be multi-talented
- Most productive involve small teams of generalists
- Shared understanding of produce - voice of product
- Devs can see weird little use cases, errors, etc
- Especially important for independent to generalize
- Larger teams have a harder time making decisions
- Sometimes there isn’t as much overlap as there should be
- Process is an antidote for stupid people
- Shea: Contracts explicitly set out a design process
- Enforced only if it’s taking too long
- Humans don’t respond well to anarchy but also revolt against overly pressuring red tape
- Internationalization can invite more problems
- Designing for blank slate, zero data, data constraints, are important when designers are working with live data
- Learning svn is a very good idea
How can devs and designers communicate more effectively?
- Client-side vs. back-end developers - need to have people that are focused on each
- Abstractions are a little to tough to talk about in the beginning
- Agile change management and request systems
- Quickly make suggestions and rebuttal - smarty for PHP
- Bugs and design decisions
- Differences between team structure and personalities
- The design quality of the prototypes should reflect the level of completion
- Put a css class on the pieces that are not finished
- Mentoring is incredibly important
- Agile really relies on client being present
- Client-side dev - at least slice up images
“Taking Over the World: the Flickr Way”
Just the Gist
- Localization can be made less painful, but requires a lot of good planning
- Community and professional translation methods can be leveraged for community-centered sites
- The business must also be localized, how will you provide support and allow feedback for other languages?
- Always use UTF-8 and plan the system for possible future localization (keep internationalization as part of the creation process)
Simon Batistoni,
Flickr/Yahoo! Inc
- Flickr engineering team
- Launched June 12th, 2007 -the localization took 7 months for 7 countries
- Emphasis on language over locale (not everyone in the U.S. speaks English, and that's true for every country in the world - every citizen of a country does not necessarily speak in the official language.)
- Good set of localization tools when you can use it in a wide range
- Too many words/legacy code
- UTF-8 was already being used, helped - time zones
- Hugely passionate community
- Usually people aren’t as emotionally invested in most sites
- Flickr-people feel more passionately
- Other challenge - owned by a big company. The purchase by Yahoo! gives Flickr a lot of resources to work with, but it also comes with more large company issues to deal with.
- Introduces other strains and constraints
- Internationalization vs. localization (i18n vs 110n)
- What you do to make the site ready for localization
- Make sure to deal with time properly
- Character data/sets
- Community data/sets
- Community interaction - bugs, reports, etc
- Content classification - different countries have different value systems, especially an important distinction for media. What is okay in the U.S. is not okay in some other countries, and vice versa.
- Payment systems
- When is the right time? Doesn’t really matter, but should worry about it from day one.
- It’s only okay to not internationalize a system unless you’re absolutely sure that it will not be localized (extremely rare)
- Not just starting, where does it make sense to begin the process?
- Language-switch
- Legal review - large or small company - legal landscape in other countries
- Ex: YouTube in Pakistan (keeps getting shut off)
- Issues can impact you in a big way
- Staffing - need very different structure - need to be able to take things like bug reports, and provide customer customer care. If it needs to be translated for product team to respond, how does that happen?
- All information must get routed tothe right place to provide the right sort of response
- Flickr did a tour of all the countries that they were localizing for
- Ex: Found that Korea didn’t like white layout - too much whitespace
- Have not yet addressed other versions of template for issues such as this
- Don’t Rush!
- Focus on building a really good product first
- Better to do it late than horribly, to enter a market and get a bad reputation is much harder than to launch when ready
Be prepared
- Make sure you know where all the text strings are
- Image tags with titles and acts
- HTML alone is not enough
- Some people use keys {sentence_replace_confirm}
- Downside: debugging templates becomes very difficult with so much meaningless data on the page
- Slows down entire process
- Trans Jaxxx - the tool Flickr built for text strings uses a similar marker, but is much easier and semantic to view - just adds little tags like <!!>Text for translation</!!>
- Also work in title tags and iamges
- Attributed such as
- <!! esc=”squat”>TEXT</!!> (escape the string)
- <!! dev=”replace”> (replace the string)
- <!! note=”not goes here”> (note for the string)
- Can be working on 5 or 6 things at one time (features)
- preg_match_all
- W3C has internationalization system can all be together
quite complicated
Say no to concatenation, can cause a lot of problems for the system
- My {$beverage} brings all the {$gendered-people} to the yard
- More code than there should be
- <!!>{$username} added you as a contact</!!}
Dates, times, numbers
- Give choice of time zone, 24 hour can also be worthwhile
- Important to set locales
- German: top (1,000) is actually (1.000)
- Use UTF-8, always, just do it
- Matches ASCII characters
- Most compact byte representation
- German is awful for line length
- Must be flexible
- Fluid too a degree, has to be able to expand a bit (40-50% - but sometimes too much)
- When you use images with text in them, need to create them each time - drawback, but makes a decision
Taking The Plunge
- Established growth
- Growth potential
- Usage possibility, or growth market
- Potential headaches
- Localize somewhere, need support
- If not, a web site with no way to contact us - highly discouraging to users
- Content - legal, cultural issues
- How much money do you have?
- Have to worry about translation
- Translation management tools
- (
- Trans Jaxxx - internally (Flickr)-built translation tool
- Text units have red boxes around them (using the tool)
- QA people can click on to edit the text
- Community-powered Translation
- Free, or at least, cheap
- Broader demand-driven translation
- Community ownership of content and process
- Downside: moderation and QA can be difficult
- Community or professional for review? Can do it either way, but need to choose early. Some sites are using a mix, this is all easier to do if the site already has a solid user base. English-speakers already using the site are often motivated to help localize the site if they have ownership. in it. The biggest successes have so far been community-based sites, which makes sense because there is a source of motivation for “free work” to be provided.
- Community-only translation does not address the support issue of providing the same level of support to each country if you are only an English-speaking organization.
- Also doesn’t allow for secret launches (everybody knows you’re doing it)
- Examples: Live Journal, Xanga, Facebook, Google
- Facebook dumped in text from Babblefish and then let the community correct the text
- Professional Translation
- Banks of translators, all over the world
- Is expensive
- Hard to capture right tone, pros don’t usually care about keeping the tone or personality of the site correct, more about volume
- Deploy - Flickr deploys between 5 and 10 times per day
- Pre-bake all templates (PHP + Smarty)
- Get some advice from someone who knows, which probably means someone from the region that you are localizing in
- Cultural considerations
Foster A Single Community
- Tear down the barriers where you can
- Groups - allow translation of groups by users
- Other help is geographical stuff
- Visual means where language doesn’t matter - very helpful
- Want to make localization seem trivial
- Google makes assumptions based on IP, but that has a lot of drawbacks
- Even in US, there are plenty of other languages besides US
- Flickr uses a multi-stage “flitering” to determine what language to display first:
- Cookies for return visits, preferences on other Yahoo! properties
- Look at where they came from (Ex: if the traffic came from a French-speaking site, chances are that they speak French)
- Flickr also use IP location, never heard complaints
Question & Answer
- Using .fr for anything?
- No, but the switching is not good right now
- Combine community and pro translation?
- Pro as QA - professional translators provide the quality assurance and make sure that each translation is actually saying the correct thing for each text string
- Community as work - community provides the text translations
- “Draft and Official” versions of site - “draft” before it goes into review and becomes “official” text
- How does Flickr handle support issues for localized versions?
- Have support agency to filter incoming reports
- Also have employees to do forums
- It needs a human being behind it, can’t just throw a product out with a language and no one behind it
- Release Transjaxxx (the custom internal tool that was written by Flickr)?
- Would like to, but nothing is solid
- The downside of most translation software is that it tends to be desktop-based
Thanks for the post. I had been looking for something related and found your web site in the process.. I will definitely be back for more.
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