Notes by Southwest: Notes from 3/8/08
I've been meaning to get my notes up from South by Southwest, but wanted to do it all at once and it has taken me a while to get them out of my notebook and into a better form! So, here’s the first set, also had several sessions on 3/7, but I’ve only posted the most interesting sessions.
“Design Is In The Details”
Just the Gist
- Little things add up to make a big difference - sum is greater than the parts
- The little details are important
- Take the time necessary to do something good, obsession is good
- Be proud of your own work, you care more than anyone else will
Naz Hamid,
Art Director, Weightshift
Lives in Chicago, works with designers around the country.
- Little things add up to make a big difference [in a project] - or, whole is greater than sum of the parts
- Within context of the design, does it make sense?
- We care, listen, solve problems, and take pride in our work
Finding inspiration in design objects and destinations:
- Hotel View NotesMax - Seattle
- Rapha Software
- Triax Vator 300 (Nike Design)
- Choices
- Choose simple, elegant
- Consistent
- Stay consistent, build up design on parts
- Completeness
- Don’t want them to get hampered down on details [that just look wrong]
- Get it done, done (show what you want them to see, avoid making excuses or explaining missing parts)
- “Kellog view”/”Kellog insight”
- All details are important
- Step in, step out, step back - balance
- sometimes take a two or three day break from a design
- What are your initial reactions when returning to a design?
- Be your own critic
- Yale law school library
- Simplify it if it’s not working
- Complexity in simplicity, less is more
- Humanized site
- Obsession is healthy
- Thoughts, revelations, breakthroughs
- Waiting on a decision, let yourself think for the right answer
- Also, don’t be afraid to act on something
Opening Remarks
Just the Gist
This was more of a conversation, so difficult to notate, but it will make a great podcast when it comes out.
- College of knowledge vs. encyclopedic
- More brainpower w/ collegiate vs. singular
- Lost vs. the Wire - Media differences
- Values applied in convergence out of work
- “We” vs. “I” - Language of social networking - Outside in
- Hillary vs. Obama
Henry Jenkins,
Co-Director of the Comparative Media Studies Program at MIT
Stephen Berlin Johnson,
Author, Founder of
“Blood, Sweat and Fear: Great Design Hurts”
Just the Gist
- Design can be a present, “design for Christmas”
- There is no barrier to entry on criticism of color or design
- Pixel-perfect mockups, for each conversation
- “10 to 3 to 1” - Start with ten, go to 3, then get down to 1
- Brainstorming and “Pairing down” meetings every two weeks
- The notion that the better a design is, the less resistance it receives is simply not true
- Ideas matter more than talent
John Gruber,
Raconteur, Daring Fireball
Michael Lopp,
Senior Engineering Manager,
Apple, Inc.
- Mentos box - the little tab makes it more than just a box, helps make it more useful
- “Design is a present”
- Apple + present - good at giving people presents to people who live to open presents on christmas
- “Packaging porn” - when was the last time you saw an unboxing of a Dell product posted online?
- “Designing for christmas”
Feedback @ Apple
- “Fear of the color blue”
- Color is tough, it has such a low point of entry for feedback - everyone has an opinion
- “Fear of critics”
- No barrier to entry on feedback of art
- “Fear of ponies”
- Q: “What is wrong with this icon? A: Steve Jobs as approved it, so nothing is wrong with it.”
- “I want a pony” - if people that feel like they should be hard are not heard, they will blindside you
- “References the spirit of the company”
- Imagination is more important than creativity
Where to Start
- Pixel-perfect mockups, every time a conversation happens. Makes a huge difference to put all the content in, then you can talk about something real.
- Don’t believe in lorem ipsum, better to remove ambiguity, that does take a lot of work
- Complete feeling for entire mockup
- 10 to 3 to 1
- Choose 10 good versions, bring down to 3, iterate down to 1
- A lot of room to design in
- Ex: Cultured Code - “Things”
- Paired design meetings
- Brainstorm (relax, no worries)
- Pair down > Production meeting (how it will work, insanity to reality)
- Brainstorm/pairing down meetings every two weeks
- The Pony Meeting
- “The meeting for the ponies”
- Once every two weeks, roughly, fitting with brainstorm and production meetings
- This is where the best ideas from the other two meetings (brainstorm and production) are presented
- They have a place to say what they want to, and just want their opinion heard
- Unexpected discovery - design as a present
John Gruber - “The Blood”
- Everyone involved in design can operate under the notion that the better the design, the less resistance there is - not true
- Ex: Beatles White Album cover - it was compared to “Meet the Beatles” at the time, and less preferred, but history regards it as a great, even classic design
- A lot of people don’t want great design, it’s uncomfortable
- Comfort vs. quality
- “Better” necessarily implies “different”
- Different = scary
- “Exactly the same, but better” = “Exactly the same, but different”, does not work
The Plea Bargain
- Want to go with great design
- It always means taking a chance
- Design that's “Pretty Good” can be guaranteed
- “Don’t try to be original, just try to be good” - Paul Rand
- Don’t create something good by trying to be original
- Try to be good, will be original
- LOGO - instantly digestible, perfectly balanced
- Example: IBM logo
- “A logo derives it’s meaning from the quality of the thing that is symbolizes, not the other way around.”
- Example: ABC logo
- “I could do that” syndrome - there’s a big difference between pushing keys and writing
- What people think of as a great design
- Idea matters more than talent
- Apple logo - impossibly perfect bite - “original sin” - temptation
- Designers are expected to be clever
- Expect something more
- “The wig problem” - If I’m going to pay all that money, I want a lot of hair (even if it doesn’t look real)
- Design problem - “more design”
- UPS logo - package tied with string (also, present)
- 2003, new logo
- Design to stand the test of time
- “Design is making decisions, and packaging them for the test of time” -John Gruber
- Saying “Wrong blue” is not designing, it's giving opinion
- Not delivering a set of decisions, it’s the design
- Alfred Hitchcock - didn’t shoot “footage for editing” - got final cut
- Meticulously planned out (storyboarded) his movies beforehand, the footage only fit together one way
- Henry Ford - asked people what they want - faster horse
- You and your design are not the same thing, be able to talk about it objectively
- Are you willing to be called an asshole? (in order to create good work)
- Small logo vs. big logo - correct answer: no
- Conflict is inherent in great design
- All great designers have reps of being assholes (another ex: Stanley Kubrick)
- More dedicated to integrity of your work, or what people think of you?
- No. (is the most important tool)
- It’s the only way to achieve great design
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