Friday, April 29, 2005

Word Schmurd.

I HATE WORD! I had to use it today on a project and it's like designing through a drunk monkey. This won't be a "how much Microsoft sucks" post, but I do find Word really frustrating.

Wednesday, April 27, 2005

Google (oil) Microsoft (water) or Gates v. Google

I'm not the biggest Microsoft fan in the world, I'd use an apple all the time if I didn't already give Microsoft so much money. Anyway, here's an interesting story from Fortune magazine that's worth a peek.

Personally, the stuff from Google tends to be a lot more intuitive, better looking and overall less "bloated" in my humble opinion. You can check out their digs right here. Especially, check out Picasa. Great little program for home photo stuff.

crazy inventor + too much time = HUGE ROBOTS (hide the kids)

I don't know where I first saw this, but it cracks me up. Here's where I found the link back again (via google, of course.)

I'm not trying to stereotype, but it seems appropriate that a huge walking robot first came out of Japan.

Michigan Weather, Konfabulator and some random links.

Thought I should write something a little more, I still have to finish making my own template for this blog. Nothing against the default Blogger templates, I just want to have my own look, ya'know. I honestly don't know if that sentence should be ended in a period or a question mark.

So this is life in Michigan. Right now it's 39 degrees outside. Two weeks ago it was about 80 and not so far into "summer." Go figure, at least it's never what you'd expect. And there's no snow.

Useless download link: Konfabulator. So you to can have all sorts of stuff littering your desktop. It's konfabulous. The downside is that after the trial period is over, an annoying little "buy me" box always sits in the corner of your desktop, but it's still cool. Guess the world just needs to switch to MAC OS 10.4 with dashboard... that'll fix everything.

Friday, April 22, 2005

My First Post Ever, Wow.

I thought exactly what the web needed was another blog that nobody would read. So, here it is.

But, I do solemnly swear to you, the blog reading public, never ever to use "LoL" in any post. ever.